- Feasibility study to be completed by March 2017 -
Dublin Fingal TD, Darragh O’Brien has welcomed the news from Irish Rail that a feasibility study, on increasing car park capacity at a number of its train stations, is currently taking place. “This is great news for the thousands of commuters across North Dublin that rely on parking space availability at train stations to ensure they can get to work on time.” “For the past number of years, I’ve called for an expansion in capacity, and have been in regular contact with Irish Rail raising the concerns of local commuters.” “Too often over the past number of years, commuters wanting to park at the station were forced, due to a lack of capacity, to look elsewhere for parking, often at an increased price, and ultimately leading them to miss their train to the city centre.” “Portmarnock station received a significant amount of investment, nearly €500,000 to increase parking capacity to 278 spaces.” “While this is a welcome development, more capacity is needed in Portmarnock to keep up with the increased number of commuters but other stations across North Dublin also need the same level of investment to ensure that commuters can continue to use the train services to get to work on time.” “The study is expected to be completed by the end of Quarter 1 in 2017, and I will be working hard to ensure that there is funding made available to Irish Rail to develop the additional capacity that is so obviously needed,” concluded O’Brien. Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Trade Darragh O’Brien TD has welcomed the UK High Court ruling that the UK Parliament rather than the Government has the power to trigger Article 50.
Commenting on the issue Deputy O’Brien said, “I welcome today’s significant ruling, and although I am aware that the Prime Minister has signalled her intention to appeal the decision, it nevertheless may give the British Government pause for thought as to how they are approaching Brexit. "The approach taken so far by Prime Minister May would indicate that the UK is moving towards a hard Brexit which would have very serious negative ramifications for the entire island of Ireland. I would hope that today’s ruling may soften the UK Government’s stance and I welcome the fact that they will now have to consider and debate the views of the wider parliament before triggering Article 50. "The significance of Brexit and its implications for the European Union and Ireland in particular cannot be underestimated. It is essential that there is a full and frank debate of the implications before Article 50 is triggered. So much of the debate in the run up to the referendum was based on lies, hyperbole and xenophobic sentiment. I hope that this ruling will now give space to properly explore what Brexit actually means and the implications of such a momentous decision.” - Customers must not pay the price for sharp practice -
Fianna Fáil TD for Dublin-Fingal Darragh O’Brien says moves must be made to protect the savings of members of Rush Credit Union if the financial institution is wound down. The Cabinet has decided to appoint a liquidator to wind down the Credit Union after a series of financial irregularities were uncovered. Deputy O’Brien commented, “The revelations of practices at Rush Credit Union are extremely concerning and paint a very bleak picture for members. There are around 10,000 people who hold accounts with the Credit Union, and I welcome the statement from the Central Bank that the €25m in members’ savings is not at risk. However, the fallout from the closure of the Credit Union will be acutely felt by many in the town. “The closure of Rush Credit Union will be a huge blow. Jobs may be lost and residents will be left without access to any financial institution, as the major banks closed their branches over recent years. “Rush residents cannot be left high and dry. The revelations at Rush Credit Union are deeply worrying, but innocent members should not have to pay the price for the sharp practice undertaken by a few people. Efforts must be made to ensure that members are accommodated, either at other Credit Unions, or facilitated if they want to transfer their money to other financial institutions. “This is a very distressing time for workers and their families and I hope that the liquidation procedures are undertaken in a compassionate and sensitive manner”. Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs & Trade Darragh O’Brien says the Irish Government should notify French authorities of its willingness to accept a number of unaccompanied minors from the Calais Camp.
Speaking ahead of statements in the Dáil tomorrow on this issue Deputy O’Brien said, “The situation in Calais, particularly in relation to unaccompanied minors, is very disturbing and worrying. These children are exceptionally vulnerable and I believe that on humanitarian grounds the Government should notify the French authorities of its willingness to accept 200 unaccompanied minors. “It is important that while the Irish Government shows leadership on this issue, it must be done in a considered manner and in conjunction with the relevant authorities in France. Children in the Calais camp do not fall under the various resettlement and relocation programmes that Ireland has agreed to so it is imperative that we ensure that all the appropriate procedures are followed in this regard. “I am calling on the Government to make it known to the French authorities its willingness to accept 200 unaccompanied minors. At the end of the day this is an appalling situation and these children are at risk of all forms of exploitation. It is clear that we need action by the Government as soon as feasibly possible”. |
January 2025