Members and supporters gathered on Tuesday night in the Carnegie Court Hotel, Swords for the selection convention which was chaired by the Party’s Deputy Leader, Dara Calleary TD. Speaking following the convention, Deputy Darragh O’Brien said, “I am absolutely honoured to have been unanimously selected to contest the next General Election as a candidate in Dublin Fingal along with my colleague Senator Lorraine Clifford-Lee. “Born and bred in Dublin, there are a number of serious matters that I strongly believe require attention in our county. In my new role as the party’s Housing Spokesperson I consider it crucially important to address the current crisis. “House prices are being driven higher and higher while 10,000 people in Fingal remain in need of social housing under this Government. Its policies must change to better reflect the needs of ordinary people. “The issues which remain in effectively policing Fingal and protecting our community are in urgent need of resolution – I will be maintaining pressure the Minister to reverse these cuts to Garda resources which are neglecting the safety of residents. “I look forward to the work ahead and continuing to represent the people of Dublin Fingal.” “I'm delighted to have been selected along with Darragh O’Brien TD to contest the next General Election for Fianna Fáil,” said the Party’s Seanad Spokesperson on Justice, Senator Lorraine Clifford-Lee. “I hear from young parents in Fingal all too often regarding the difficulties in childcare, school places and housing costs in our area. “Raising a family can be a struggle and this Government don’t appear to recognise that. I aim to take a seat in Dáil Éireann to represent the hard working families in our community; those that are crying out for support but are continually neglected. “Protecting the biodiversity of the unique peninsula in the North County and our local environment more generally is something I am particularly conscious of and that I believe warrants more political influence in maintaining. “I believe that I can inject a new energy and freshness into politics by playing my part in securing the two seats necessary to achieve a fair and positive vision for the future of our country." Comments are closed.
August 2024