Local Fianna Fáil TD and Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Darragh O’Brien has said that the Government must ensure the full protection of all trade and jobs in Ireland ahead of Britain’s exit from the European Customs Union.
Deputy O’Brien and his party colleague and Brexit Spokesperson Stephen Donnelly TD held a series of meetings with British politicians, Nick Clegg, Andrew Adonis and Michael Heseltine, Former Deputy Prime Minister to discuss the potential challenges posed by Brexit and the impact on Ireland. Commenting following his meeting yesterday he said, “Existing trade between Ireland and Britain amounts to €1.2 billion in goods and services every week. Maintaining the fruitful relationship between the two countries has never been more pivotal. “Our meetings this week were an opportunity to discuss our shared concerns and particularly those of business owners, employers and the thousands of jobs that are heavily dependent on maintaining trade with Britain. "While I am most concerned regarding the impact on Fingal, Ireland as a whole stands to face much uncertainty and threats to important jobs. “The depreciation of the Sterling and Britain’s impending exit from the Customs Union may well result in unfair prices in business and could potentially threaten Irish jobs. “It is important that we liaise with those in Britain who share similar views and are equally fearful of their countries decision to leave the European Union. He concluded, “We must come together to limit the adverse impact of Brexit and I believe this week’s meetings were a step in that direction." Comments are closed.
January 2025