Please see below a notice of a proposed road closure of the R128 Rush to Skerries Road (between Kilbush Lane and Palmer Road) to allow works as part of the Rush Waste Water Collection project.
This road will be closed from Monday 4th September until Friday 24th November. Alternative routes and changes to public transport are detailed below. Observations from any resident or groups to this proposed road closure must be made in writing by Friday 11th August to Senior Executive Officer, Fingal County Council, Balbriggan / Swords Operations. ROADS ACT 1993 TO 2015 – SECTION 75 TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF A ROAD IN RUSH, CO. DUBLIN An application has been received from Jons Civil Engineering Company Ltd for permission to temporarily close a road in Rush for the purpose of carrying out upgrade works to the existing foul sewer network. These works are required on behalf of Irish Water as part of the Rush Waste Water Collection Project. It is proposed that the road will be closed from Monday 4th September until Friday 24th November 2017. The road in question is: • The R128, Rush to Skerries Road (between Kilbush Lane to Palmer Road). Alternative routes available for vehicular traffic are as follows: From the Lusk Direction: • All vehicular traffic wishing to access Skerries will divert onto the R127 Rathmore Road (Lusk By-Pass) at Lusk. Buses and trucks will exit the R127 onto the L1285 at the Baldongan/Ballykea junction and continue to the L1285/ R128, Skerries Rush road, junction at Loughshinney, turning left onto the R128 to access Skerries. • All vehicles wishing to access the Skerries Road, Rush, as far as the Palmer Road, junction should turn right at the L1285/R128, Skerries Rush road, junction at Loughshinney. • All vehicles wishing to access the Skerries Road, Rush, as far as Kilbush Lane will travel as normal through Rush on the R128 turning left at the traffic lights on the Upper Main Street/Skerries Road junction. From the Skerries Direction: • All non HGV traffic or vehicles not effected by the 3.44m height restriction of the R127 rail bridge wishing to travel to Lusk, Swords and the City should continue to use the R127. • All HGV traffic or vehicles effected by the 3.44m height restriction of the R127 rail bridge wishing to access Lusk, Swords and the City will travel along the R128 from Skerries turning right onto the L1285 Baldongan /Ballykea road at the Loughhsinney crossroads and left at the R127 Skerries/ Lusk road travelling to Lusk and following the signs for Swords and Dublin. • All vehicles wishing to access the Skerries Road, Rush, as far as Palmer Road will travel on the R128 from Skerries. • All vehicles wishing to access the Skerries Road, Rush, as far as the Kilbush Lane will travel on the R128 from Skerries turning right onto the L1285 Baldongan/Ballykea road at the Loughshinney crossroads. Vehicles should continue along this road and take the R127 Rathmore Road (Lusk By-Pass) to its intersection with the R128 at the Remount Roundabout. Vehicles should take the first exit for Rushturning left at the Upper Main Street/Skerries Road junction. A stop go system will be in place on the R127 for the 9th and 10th September to allow traffic access from Skerries to Rush and Rush to Skerries, along the R128, without having to use the diversion routes described above. This is to facilitate the Killalane Motorcycle Race planned for these dates. Dublin Bus will not service Rush during the closure and services will only operate via Lusk. There will be a shuttle bus service provided on a Rush-Lusk-Rush circuit to facilitate travel to Balbriggan, Skerries, Swords and the City. Details of the shuttle bus operating hours will be advertised locally prior to the road closure.Local access for residents and businesses will be maintained at all times. Pedestrian and Cycle Access will be maintained at all times. Palmer Road will remain open throughout these works. Any person may lodge an objection in writing with the: Senior Executive Officer, Balbriggan/Swords Operations Unit, Fingal County Council, to arrive no later than 4.00pm on Friday 11th August 2017. If you have any queries on making an objection within this time frame, please call (01) 890 5595. Shay Barker, Senior Executive Officer, Balbriggan/Swords Operations Area. Comments are closed.
August 2024