Fingal County Council has received an application from Eir for permission to temporarily close a road in the Garristown area, for the purpose of carrying out upgrade works to the Eir Fibre Network. It is proposed that the road will be closed on from 8.00am to 5.00pm on Monday 3rd April & Tuesday 4th April 2017.
The road in question is: • Chapel Lane, from its junction with the R130 the Naul Road and the R130 through Garristown Village. Alternative routes available for vehicular traffic are as follows:- • Travelling in a westerly direction from the Naul/R122 the diversion route will be westbound along the R130 Naul Road to the R130 that runs north south through Garristown Village. • Travelling through Garristown Village in a northerly or southerly direction along the R130 the diversion route will be the Naul Road (R130) towards the Naul/R122. Local access for residents and businesses will be maintained at all times. Any person may lodge an objection in writing with the Senior Executive Officer, Operations Unit, Fingal County Council, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, to arrive no later than 4.00p.m on Friday 10th March 2017. Comments are closed.
August 2024