To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade his views on recent events in Hungary including the silencing of critical media outlets; the steps that have been taken at EU level in view of such events; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
- Darragh O'Brien. For ORAL answer on Wednesday, 12th April, 2017. REPLY Respect for the fundamental values on which the European Union is founded and which are set out in the Treaty, including respect for the rule of law and freedom of expression, must continue to be at the forefront of all efforts which Member States and the institutions make to tackle the very many challenges now confronting the EU. The Government has been following closely recent developments in Hungary. In the EU context these are of course matters in the first instance for the European Commission, which is charged with ensuring the application of the treaties and is responsible for promoting the general interest of the Union. The question of the legislation adopted this week by the Hungarian government has been raised within the European Commission. I also understand that the European Parliament will hold a debate on the current situation in Hungary, which is scheduled for 26 April. The issues which have been raised also fall very much within the human rights remit of the Council of Europe. Comments are closed.
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