To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade further to parliamentary question number 62 of 30 May 2017, the number of additional staff that have been deployed to embassies and consulates since 23 June 2016 to date in 2017, by embassy and consulate, in tabular form; the number of new hires in embassies and consulates in the same period; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
- Darragh O'Brien. REPLY In his response to Question 62 of 30 May 2016, my predecessor Minister Flanagan provided a comprehensive overview of the additional capabilities and resources that have been assigned across my Department to address issues arising from the complex process of the UK exit from the EU. As Minister Flanagan noted in that response, additional posts have been assigned to our Embassies in London, Paris and Berlin as well as the Permanent Representation of Ireland to the European Union in Brussels. The Passport team in Embassy London has also been augmented in response to an increased demand for passports. The posts are detailed in the table below. Location Posts Sanctioned Posts Filled Ireland’s Permanent Representation to the EU, Brussels 1 Counsellor 1 First Secretary 1 Third Secretary 3 Embassy of Ireland, Paris 1 Counsellor Officer to take up duty in August 2017 Embassy of Ireland, Berlin 1 Counsellor 1 1 First Secretary 1 2 Third Secretaries Officers to take up duty in August 2017 1 Higher Executive Officer Officer to take up duty in August 2017 Embassy of Ireland, London 1 Executive Officer Officer to take up duty in August 2017 Comments are closed.
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