To ask the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the status of the reopening date of a Garda station (details supplied) which was announced in 2016; the date it is due to be opened; and if he will make a statement on the matter. (Details Supplied) Rush Garda Station. REPLY The Programme for Government included for the re-opening of a number of closed Garda Stations (6) throughout the country, including Rush Garda Station, Co. Dublin. The Office of Public Works has undertaken an assessment of all the Stations identified in this 'pilot programme of Station re-openings', and based on the Garda Síochána 'brief of requirements' received, has advised them on the works required and indicative costs involved. On 15th August 2018, OPW issued a "Notice to Quit" to the then Licencee of the building, and received vacant possession of this building by the end of September 2018. The OPW is currently engaged in the deliberative process with An Garda Síochána in finalising the required works to meet their brief of requirements. At the last site meeting held on 10th October 2018, several matters were agreed and some reviews and clarifications were sought prior to a final sign-off. Once full agreement and sign-off is achieved, OPW will proceed with the procurement of works to be undertaken, and which is expected to be completed over the coming months. Comments are closed.
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