The steps he is taking to help alleviate the need for primary school places in Swords, County Dublin1/8/2017
DÁIL QUESTION addressed to the Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Richard Bruton) by Deputy Darragh O'Brien for WRITTEN ANSWER on 26/07/2017 To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the steps he is taking to help alleviate the need for primary school places in Swords, County Dublin; and if he will make a statement on the matter. REPLY. As the Deputy will be aware from answers to previous parliamentary questions, there are 13 primary schools serving the Swords area. My Department has been in direct contact with a number of these schools in respect of their junior infant capacity. In that regard it is understood that two schools in the area have junior places available should parents wish to avail of them for September 2017. As the Deputy will appreciate, it is important that school size is monitored and that a balance is preserved among all schools in school planning areas to ensure that one school is not expanding at the expense of another school. My Department is monitoring the enrolment position in the Swords area closely. While the situation may result in some pupils not obtaining a place in the school of their first choice, the Deputy will appreciate that my Department’s main responsibility is to ensure that the existing schools in the area can, between them, cater for the demand for Junior Infant places in September 2017. Comments are closed.
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