I am pleased to attach for your attention the agreed Programme for Government following 5 weeks of intensive negotiations. As you will know I was honoured to be part of our party’s negotiating team. I am very happy with the finalised text. I firmly believe that this plan is a radical departure for our country that will guide Ireland through this pandemic and on to economic recovery. Our core policies and beliefs are strongly contained and reflected in this document. On housing we have ensured that home ownership will now be central to the new governments housing strategy. We have secured an affordable housing scheme which will give our young people a chance to own their own home at an affordable price, a policy which I have pursued on behalf of Fianna Fáil for a number of years now. Fianna Fáil has always believed in getting local authorities back building public homes, again this is secured in this programme for government. A new deal for renters with the roll out of an affordable rental scheme and leases of indefinite duration, again a Fianna Fáil policy. We will end the scourge of homelessness and dramatically increase the stock of public housing, again a core Fianna Fáil belief. This housing plan is radical and bold and has the capacity to transform our country for the greater good. It will be the largest state investment in housing in generations, led by Fianna Fáil. On transport, working with your councillors, I have ensured that Metro Link is included in this programme for government along with the much needed DART expansion to Balbriggan. There’s a significant increases in funding for walking and cycling, which will help deliver the Fingal Way and Broadmeadows Way along with a national school streets programme. There are many, many other important initiatives around health, special needs and pensions, included in this document. Do have a read and familiarise yourself with its content.
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August 2024