Major burst watermain in Swords area, Tuesday 28th February 2017.
Most areas listed below have experienced low water pressure with some areas reporting outages. The burst is being isolated and all areas are being backfed. It is expected that normal supplies will be restored to all areas by 11am (approx.) and full pressure restored by 12 noon today (approx.) Areas affected:
Irish Water is aware of the outage. Planned water outage in Portmarnock, Tuesday 28th February 2017 to carry out essential maintenance - Water off between 10am - 4pm (approx.)
Areas affected:
Irish Water is aware of the outage. I have received the following notice from Fingal County Council:
Fingal County Council hereby gives notice that it intends to temporarily close the following Non-National Roads. The closures are necessary to facilitate road resurfacing works being carried out by the Operations Department from 3rd April 2017 to 1st December 2017. BALBRIGGAN Drogheda Street Derham Park DONABATE Beaverstown Road Ballisk Lane Corballis Road FIELDSTOWN Coolquay/Fieldstown Road Fieldstown/Garristown Road GARRISTOWN Maddens Road (Bog Road) Hedge Road LUSK Barrack Lane OLDTOWN Oldtown Village RUSH St. Catherine’s Park SKERRIES Rush Road, Skerries Baltrasna Lane SWORDS Cooks Lane Rivervalley Road WALSHESTOWN Knockbrack Road The roads will be closed for a period of 1 to 10 days during the period from 3rd April 2017 to 1st December 2017. Local Access will be facilitated where possible and extensive diversion and information signage will be in place. Any person may lodge an objection in writing with the Senior Executive Officer, Operations Unit, Fingal County Council, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, to arrive no later than 4.00p.m on Friday 3rd March 2017. My colleague Cllr Brian Dennehy and I have received a notice from Fingal County Council regarding an application the council has received from Ganson Building & Civil Engineering Contractors Ltd for permission to temporarily close a road in the Balbriggan area for the purpose of constructing a new boundary wall and school entrance, and the construction of a surface water drainage road crossing.
It is proposed that the road will be closed from Monday 20th March 2017 until Monday 1st May 2017. The road in question is: • The L5450 Whitehart Road from the junction with the R122 to the junction with the L51966 Clonard Street to Whitehart Road. Alternative routes available for vehicular traffic are as follows: • Motorists travelling eastbound from the M1 wishing to access Harry Reynolds Road from the L5450 Whitehart Road should continue along the R122/Clonard Road to the traffic signalised junction with the Harry Reynolds Road. • Motorists travelling westbound along the R122/Clonard Road wishing to access Harry Reynolds Road from the L5450 Whitehart Road should continue along the R122 to the roundabout, taking the first exit at the roundabout along the L13660 Stephenstown Industrial Estate Road taking the 2nd exit at the 1st roundabout and the 1st exit at the second roundabout onto the Harry Reynolds Road. • Motorists wishing to access the L5450 from Clonard Street should take a right turn onto Harry Reynolds Road continue to the traffic signalised junction of Chapel Street and Harry Reynolds Road and take a left turn onto Clonard Road/R122. Continue along Clonard Road/R122 to the L5450 Whitehart Road Juncition and take a left turn. • Motorists wishing to access the L5450 from Harry Reynolds Road north or south, continue along Harry Reynolds Road to the traffic signalised junction of Chapel Street and Harry Reynolds Road and take a right turn if travelling southbound and a left turn if travelling northbound. Continue along Clonard Road/R122 to the L5450 Whitehart Road Junction and take a left turn. Local access for residents and businesses will be maintained at all times. Any person may lodge an objection in writing with the Senior Executive Officer, Operations Unit, Fingal County Council, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 to arrive no later than 4.00p.m on Friday 3rd March 2017. We are delighted to inform you that Fingal Locallink will now serve the Knocksedan are with a 7 day a week bus services.
This is something that both I and my colleague Cllr Darragh Butler have been working on for a number of years. Please see below the Monday to Saturday timetable with a Sunday schedule to be agreed upon. The service is currently due to start on Tuesday the 18th April. - State spends €12 Billion each year on goods, services and works - Local Fianna Fáil TD, Darragh O’Brien says that a new Bill put forward by his party will reform the manner in which State tenders are awarded. The ‘Public Services and Procurement (Social Value) Bill 2017’ was debated in the Dáil yesterday evening. The Bill aims to increase competition in the public procurement tending process by enhancing the ability for Small and Medium sized businesses to compete for public tenders. “SMEs play a vital role in our local economy and Fingal is renowned for its horticulture and agri-business sector in particular," explained the Deputy. "The North County’s strong indigenous enterprise base acts as the engine of economic growth and employ thousands of people right across Fingal. However, in recent years many local SMEs have found it more difficult to effectively compete for State tenders due to significant administrative and legal barriers. “The Bill we have brought forward will tackle this problem by introducing a specific social value clause in our procurement guidelines. This clause will require any State body, local authority or Department issuing a tender to take into account the impact of awarding a contract on the local and national economy. Other European countries such as Denmark, France, Austria and Belgium have already introduced such a social value clause and it’s now time for Ireland to follow suit," he added. “The State currently spends approximately €12 Billion each year on procuring goods, services and works. Ireland ranks high in comparison to other European countries regarding the proportion of public goods and services procured outside of the State. “Irish companies deserve an opportunity to access State tenders, but all too often the large multinational companies undercut their bid. Accordingly, most of the money ends up outside the State. There are roughly 6,000 active businesses in the County that deserve a level playing pitch when it comes to public tenders. Fingal has many economic advantages including quality infrastructure, a highly skilled population, rich cultural heritage and a diverse enterprise base. “Indigenous businesses in the North County play an important role nationally but are left continually unrewarded. Introducing a social value clause will address this problem by forcing the State to take into account the knock on benefits of awarding a tender to an Irish SME,” concluded Deputy O'Brien. |
January 2025