The new payment that has been put in place will be available to all EMPLOYEES and the SELF-EMPLOYED who have lost employment due to a downturn in economic activity caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Please find attached the emergency COVID-19, Sign on, 1-page social welfare application form to help speed up applications and payments. Application form…/a026043e90cc4d03bdfb1f3a58f3d7af.pdf Social Welfare offices open at 9.30am this morning. The payment will have a simple one – page application form and will be paid for a period of 6 weeks at a flat rate payment of €203 per week. Individuals applying for the payment will be required to apply for the normal jobseeker’s payments within this 6 week period. Once this normal jobseeker claim is subsequently received, the Department will process these claims and reconcile payments at that time. This will involve backdating increased payments for certain customers. Application forms can be downloaded online and submitted by post. Those people with a registered MyGovID account can make their claim online. People are asked to assist the Department over the next few days by applying for income support from the Department through our online channels. Information for people claiming a payment There is no need for to attend your local Intreo Centre but you can apply in the following ways: 1) An application form for the new Covid-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment can be downloaded here and returned to us to PO BOX 12896, Dublin 1 OR 2) You can apply for another income support from us through our online portal (you will need a Public Services Card) OR 3) Phone us on 1890 800 024 or 01 2481398 and we will send you the relevant application form for the new payment. Minister Doherty: “I want to reassure our clients that the Department will process all applications for income support as soon as possible. The new payment will speed this process up and ensure that our customers receive a payment from the Department in as short a time as possible. Payments will issue based on date of application, not date of processing, meaning that all payments will be back dated. We would ask customers to please keep checking your Bank Account as payment may issue in advance of us formally notifying you.” If you need a printed form posted to you please pm or email me with your address . Comments are closed.
January 2025