The Tailte Éireann Bill 2022 which today (14 December 2022) passed through both Houses of the Oireachtas provides for an authoritative new centralised agency to provide a property registration system, property valuation service, and national mapping and surveying infrastructure for the State. This will be achieved through a merger of the Property Registration Authority, Valuation Office, and Ordnance Survey Ireland into a new body called Tailte Éireann.
Tailte Éireann will be independent in the performance of its functions, which will include all of the functions currently undertaken by the Property Registration Authority, Commissioner of Valuation, the Boundary Surveyor and Ordnance Survey Ireland. The new agency will be the primary national source of property information and geospatial data and will be a leader in the development and delivery of land information services. Welcoming the Bill’s passage through the Oireachtas, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien, said: “Tailte Éireann will provide streamlined access to the delivery of enhanced land and geospatial services to the government as well as other stakeholders and citizens. This will result in more co-ordinated strategic and business planning, evidence-based decision-making, and innovative service delivery in line with government policy. "Streamlining services into one entity headed by a single chief executive and Board will allow Tailte Éireann to take advantage of the national geospatial data hub and enable it to efficiently combine and integrate the wealth of authoritative land information held by the Property Registration Authority, the Valuation Office and Ordnance Survey Ireland, to provide citizens, businesses, and policymakers with new land information products and services. "I would like to thank my officials for their commitment to this Bill and to specifically acknowledge the hard work of the project board and working groups involved in preparing for the establishment of Tailte Éireann.” Minister of State for Planning and Local Government, Peter Burke, said: “Tailte Éireann will provide a comprehensive and secure property title registration system, an independent rateable valuation system, and authoritative national mapping and surveying infrastructure. These are central to the effective management of several sectors of the State's economy, including property, planning, agriculture, local government, environmental, and construction.” Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan, commented: “As one organisation, Tailte Éireann will facilitate better integration of data both internally and externally in partnership with other State organisations. This will enable Tailte Éireann to be more capable of contributing to and influencing policy formulation that supports social and economic development. The provision of high-quality, reliable, trusted, and maintained geospatial information is essential for a wide range of critical State functions from environmental planning and management, to the effective administration of property and land use." Comments are closed.
January 2025