Local Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD has announced €739,308 in funding for Fingal County Council under the Disabled Persons Grant Scheme and the Improvement Works in Lieu of Local Authority Housing Scheme. Nationally the Minister has announced a fund of over €23m and every local authority will receive the funds they have requested to carry out works this year, in 2021. Under both schemes, exchequer funding meets 90% of the cost of the works in each property, with the local authority providing the remaining 10%. The DPG scheme provides funding for extensions and adaptations to existing social housing stock for older people and people with a disability such as grab rails, disabled access ramps, wet rooms, downstairs bedrooms etc. The scheme also provides extensions in cases of overcrowding. The Improvement Works in Lieu of social housing scheme (IWILs) allows local authorities to improve or extend privately owned accommodation, where the applicant has been approved for social housing. It allows those who are otherwise eligible for social housing to remain in private housing and for enhancements to that housing. The funding provided by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage will be added to by €82,145 by Fingal County Council meaning the total fund available is €821,453. Commenting Minister O’Brien said, “I’m delighted to grant increased funding of €739,308 to Fingal County Council, a 47% increase on last year. “This year we have approved an overall increased budget and we have approved funding to all local authorities for their requested amount in their programme of works. “This will greatly improve the housing conditions for our older tenants and those living with disabilities. It will also address issues of overcrowding in existing social housing stock, while improvement works on private homes in lieu of social housing also provides an alternative for those currently experiencing overcrowding in private accommodation. Through these schemes the Government are saying clearly that we are committed to improving the lives of older people and people with a disability,” he concluded. ENDS Note to Editor: The Disabled Persons Grant scheme (DPG) and Improvement Works In Lieu of social housing scheme (IWILs) are administered directly by Local Authorities. Under both schemes, exchequer funding meets 90% of the cost of the works in each property, with the local authority providing the remaining 10%. Comments are closed.
January 2025