My colleague Cllr Brian Dennehy and I have received a notice from Fingal County Council in relation to an application the council has received from Jons Civil Engineering Company Ltd for permission to temporarily close a road in Rush to facilitate the laying of electrical ducting and the installation of drainage pipes.
These works are required on behalf of Irish Water as part of the Rush Waste Water Collection Project. It is proposed that the road will be closed from 10.00am Monday 3rd July until 6.00pm Saturday 22nd July. The road in question is: Convent Lane, from the ESB sub-station at Saint Joseph’s Secondary School to the South Shore car park. Alternative routes available for vehicular traffic are as follows: South Shore Road, Saint Joseph’s Road and Sundrive Road can be accessed via the Hand’s Lane/Upper Main Street junction. Local access for residents and businesses will be maintained at all times. Pedestrian access to the South Beach car park will be maintained at all times. A temporary access road from South Shore Road to the South Beach car park will be in place for vehicular traffic accessing the South Beach car park, for the duration of the works. Any person may lodge an objection in writing with the Senior Executive Officer, Operations Unit, Fingal County Council, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, to arrive no later than 4.00pm on Friday 9th June 2017. Comments are closed.
August 2024